Saturday, October 9, 2010


This week was Babypalooza!  Wonderful for me (and those mamas!) but it required that our Harvest Time fun be put on hold.  I was blessed to attend three beautiful homebirths in the first 72 hours of the week (two of which were waterbirths!).  What an amazing thing to experience.  The first two births required considerable time and I was away for a majority of Sunday night and Monday.  I returned home and some sleep and then received another call. 

The girls have been reading a ton of library books and have been soaking up time with the Dadder and my father in law, who is here for the week. 
Both girls crawl up on Pop's lap with their favorite books and beg and plea (with hugs and kisses) for him to read.  Madeline snuck out of the bathroom while I was showering and slid her naked self downstairs before I even realized it!  I found her snuggled up with Pop and a book. 

Soph has been especially interested in anything having to do with firefighters and Pop is the perfect man for the discussion.  After returning from World War II he became a firefighter with the Philadelphia Fire Department.  She is an testament to self-directed learning!  She knows more about equipment and apparatus than I do.  Smart cookie!

So, we're taking a much needed week to regroup.  See you on Monday!

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