Saturday, September 29, 2007

Curb Alert

Today was our "Tagging Party" for next week's consignment sale. This translates into Amy and I sitting in my dining room amongst 1,000 lbs of other people's clothes.

Sorting. Folding. Pricing. Pinning. Sorting.

Her husband drove up for dinner (and to be disappointed that his team sucked ass tonight). When he arrived:

E: You're never going to believe what I picked up on my way here!!!
A: What?
E: I was driving on 322 and saw a huge pile of stuff on the side of the road. When I got closer I saw a big FREE sign on the stuff.
A: Well what is it?
E: Lemme go get it. It is in the car.

(Guess what was along side the road?......)

(Come on! Guess!!).....

We laughed for nearly 30 minutes.
There is never a dull moment with these two....

1 comment:

Amy Mae said...

And now, the deer is hanging on my living room wall. If I had the energy to go get my camera out of the car I'd post a picture. Maybe tomorrow. The birds are on. The Eagles, Nik!